Rui Fu, RNA biologist

Teaching and mentoring

有教無類 In teaching, there should be no distinction of classes. - Confucius

Lectures and class material

Rigor in Research (2020) - lecture on RNA sequencing

Foundations in Biomedical Sciences (2018, 2019, 2020 via Zoom) - lectures, paper discussion, and homework/exam design on RNA biology Teaching Eval

Practical Data Analysis with R/RStudio (2018, 2019) - course development and lectures link

Workshop for scRNA-seq Data Analysis (2019, 2020 via RStudio Cloud, 2021) - course development and online lectures link

Teaching training

Inclusive STEM Teaching Course link

Harvard Medical School Scientists Teaching Science Course link


2020 - 2021: Remote mentoring of AAPI undergraduate computer science student, systemically exploring published scRNA-seq cell type signatures in the NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus. Mentee’s work was integrated into a first-author publication, and recent updates to R Bioconductor packages clustifyr and clustifyrdatahub.

2017: Mentoring of high school student enrolled in the MIT Research Science Institute program on tissue culture, RNA-related bench experiments, RNA-seq informatics analysis, and scientific writing. Also facilitated mentee’s research exchange experience in China.

2013 - 2015: Mentoring of student research spanning undergraduate honor thesis and master thesis on biochemical investigations of RNA-binding protein functions. Mentee was awarded Best Poster Presentation Award at 2014 UCSD Biological Sciences Annual Student Research Showcase, and her work was integrated into second-author publication. Mentee is now in medical school.

Science outreach volunteering

2019 - 2020: Facilitator at Denver Museum of Nature and Science - Prehistoric Journey section

2016 - 2017: Visitor Education Volunteer at the New England Aquarium

2015 - 2016: Information Ambassador at the San Diego Zoo

2012: Organizer for UCSD Ethics Center’s Silent Spring 50th Anniversary Project